HMLP: High-performance Machine Learning Primitives
This is the complete list of members for hmlp::tci::Comm, including all inherited members.
Acquire1DLocks(int i) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Acquire2DLocks(int i, int j) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
AllocateSharedMemory(size_t count) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | inline |
BalanceOver1DGangs(int n, int default_size, int nb) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Barrier() (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Bcast(Arg &buffer, int root) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | inline |
Comm() | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Comm(Context *context) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Comm(Comm *parent, Context *context, int assigned_size, int assigned_rank) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Create1DLocks(int n) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Create2DLocks(int m, int n) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Destroy1DLocks() (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Destroy2DLocks() (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
DistributeOver1DGangs(int beg, int end, int nb) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
DistributeOver1DThreads(int beg, int end, int nb) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
FreeSharedMemory(T *ptr) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | inline |
GetCommRank() (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
GetCommSize() (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
GetGangRank() (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
GetGangSize() (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Master() | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
parent (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Print(int prefix) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Recv(void **recv_object) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Release1DLocks(int i) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Release2DLocks(int i, int j) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Send(void **sent_object) (defined in hmlp::tci::Comm) | hmlp::tci::Comm | |
Split(int num_groups) | hmlp::tci::Comm |