HMLP: High-performance Machine Learning Primitives
#include <igofmm.hpp>
Public Member Functions | |
void | SetupFactor (bool issymmetric, bool do_ulv_factorization, bool isleaf, bool isroot, size_t n, size_t nl, size_t nr, size_t s, size_t sl, size_t sr) |
void | SetupFactor (bool issymmetric, bool do_ulv_factorization, bool isleaf, bool isroot, size_t n, size_t nl, size_t nr, size_t s, size_t sl, size_t sr, Data< T > &U, Data< T > &V) |
bool | DoULVFactorization () |
bool | IsSymmetric () |
void | CheckCondition () |
void | Factorize (Data< T > &Kaa) |
void | PartialFactorize (Data< T > &A) |
void | Factorize (Data< T > &Ul, Data< T > &Ur, Data< T > &Vl, Data< T > &Vr) |
void | PartialFactorize (View< T > &Zl, View< T > &Zr, Data< T > &Ul, Data< T > &Ur, Data< T > &Vl, Data< T > &Vr) |
void | Multiply (View< T > &bl, View< T > &br) |
void | Solve (View< T > &rhs) |
Solver for leaf nodes. More... | |
void | Solve (View< T > &bl, View< T > &br) |
b - U * inv( Z ) * C * V' * b More... | |
void | Telescope (bool DO_INVERSE, Data< T > &Pa, Data< T > &Palr) |
void | Telescope (bool DO_INVERSE, Data< T > &Pa, Data< T > &Palr, Data< T > &Pl, Data< T > &Pr) |
void | Orthogonalization () |
void | ChangeBasis (SideType side, Data< T > &B) |
void | ChangeBasis (Data< T > &A) |
void | ULVForward () |
void | ULVBackward () |
Public Attributes | |
bool | isleaf = false |
bool | isroot = false |
size_t | n = 0 |
size_t | nl = 0 |
size_t | nr = 0 |
size_t | s = 0 |
size_t | sl = 0 |
size_t | sr = 0 |
Data< T > | Z |
View< T > | Zv |
View< T > | Ztl |
View< T > | Ztr |
View< T > | Zbl |
View< T > | Zbr |
vector< int > | ipiv |
Data< T > | U |
Data< T > | V |
Data< T > | Crl |
Data< T > | Clr |
View< T > | bview |
Data< T > * | Ul = NULL |
Data< T > * | Ur = NULL |
Data< T > * | Vl = NULL |
Data< T > * | Vr = NULL |
Data< T > | Q |
View< T > | Qv |
View< T > | Q1 |
View< T > | Q2 |
vector< T > | tau |
Data< T > | B |
View< T > | Bv |
View< T > | Bp |
View< T > | Bsibling |
View< T > | Bf |
View< T > | Bc |
for each level for each alpha
if ( leaf )
LL' = Chol( Kaa ) U = inv( L ) * proj' or U' = proj * inv( L' ) QR = qr( U ) or LQ' = lq( U' )
LL' = Chol( I + k.R * C * k.R' )
if ( not root )
U = inv( L ) * [ l.R * proj' or r.R ] U' = proj' * [ l.R * inv( L' ) r.R ] QR = qr( U ) or LQ' = lq( U' )
inline |
[Q2 Q1]' * B or B * [Q2 Q1]
Early return if Q does not exist.
Create a deep copy of B.
Create matrix views for A and B.
Enumerate case "LEFT", "RIGHT", and execptions.
Partition Bv = [ Bt; Bb ].
Bt = Q2' * A
Bb = Q1' * A
Partition Bv = [ Bl, Br ].
Bl = A * Q2
Br = A * Q1
Do nothing and throw exception.
inline |
changeBasis() [Q2 Q1]' * A * [Q2 Q1]
inline |
Initialize with Kaa.
Record the partial pivoting order.
Compute 1-norm of Z.
Pivoted LU factorization.
Compute 1-norm condition number.
inline |
end PartialFactorize() two-sided UCVt one-sided UBt
| sl sr | sl sr
nl | Ul nl | Ul nr | Ur nr | Ur
sl | Clr sr | Crl
| nl nr | nl nr
sl | Vlt sl | Brt sr | Vrt sr | Blt
even SYMMETRIC this routine uses LU factorization
sl | Zrl Ztr sr | Zbl Zbr
Z = I + UR * C * VR' = [ I URl * Clr * VRr' URr * Crl * VRl' I ]
Zbl = URr * Crl * VRl'
LL' = potrf( Z )
pivoting row indices
pivoting row indices
pivoting row indices
Z = I + CVtU = [ I ClrVrtUr CrlVltUl I ]
compute 1-norm of Z
LU factorization
record points of children factors
compute 1-norm condition number
Ul | Ul, nl-by-sl |
Ur | Ur, nr-by-sr |
Vl | Vl, nl-by-sr |
Vr | Vr, nr-by-sr |
inline |
Vl' * bl
Vr' * br
Crl * Vl' * bl
Crl' * Vr' * br
Clr * Vr' * br
bl += Ul * xl
br += Ur * xr
inline |
Initialize householder reflectors "tau".
Initialize work space for xgeqrf.
QR factorization without column pivoting.
Copy U to Q to generate the full orthonormal basis.
Increase the rank of Q to full rank.
Generate the full orthonormal basis Q.
Create views Qv = [Q1, Q2] for Q.
Sanity check for Q1'Q1 and Q2'Q2 and Q1'Q2.
inline |
end Factorize() Kaa = [ P [ L11 [ I [ U11 U12 I ] L21 I ] C ] I ]
Similar transformation ( Q' * Z * Q ).
Create matrix views for Z.
Initialize pivoting rows.
[Ztl, Ztr] = PLU
Zbl * U^{-1}
Update Schur complement Zbr.
inline |
end Factorize()
Create matrix views for Z.
Zl | Zl, nl-by-nl, Zr, nr-by-nr |
Ul | Ul, nl-by-sl, Ur, nr-by-sr |
Vl | Vl, nl-by-sr, Vr, nr-by-sr |
inline |
n | n == nl + nr (left + right) |
s | s <= sl + sr |
inline |
U | n-by-?; its rank depends on mu sibling |
V | ?-by-n; its rank depends on my sibling |
inline |
Solver for leaf nodes.
assure this is a leaf node
LU solver
inline |
b - U * inv( Z ) * C * V' * b
end Solve()
views of buffer
xa = [ xl; xr; ]
Vl' * bl
Vr' * br
Crl * Vl' * bl
Crl' * Vr' * br
Clr * Vr' * br
inv( Z ) * x
bl -= Ul * xl
br -= Ur * xr
inline |
end Solve()
Initialize Pa
create view and subviews for Pa
Pa = Palr'
LU solver
Pa | n-by-s |
Palr | s-by-(sl+sr) |
inline |
end Telescope() RIGHT: V = [ P(:, 0:st-1) * Vl , P(:,st:st+sb-1) * Vr ] LEFT: U = [ Ul * P(:, 0:st-1)'; Ur * P(:,st:st+sb-1) ]
Initialize Pa
create view and subviews for Pa
Pa = Palr'
Pa( 0:sl-1, : ) = Pl * Palr( :, 0:sl-1 )'
Pa( sl:sl+sr-1, : ) = Pr * Palr( :, sl:sl+sr-1 )'
inv( L ) * Pa
Xa = [ Xl; Xr; ]
Pa( 0:nl-1, : ) = Pl * Palr( :, 0:sl-1 )'
Pa( nl:n-1, : ) = Pr * Palr( :, sl:sl+sr-1 )'
xl = Vlt * Pa( 0:nl-1, : )
xr = Vrt * Pa( nl:n-1, : )
b = [ Crl' * xr; Crl * xl; ]
b = inv( Z ) * b
Pa( 0:nl-1, : ) -= Ul * b( 0:sl-1, : )
Pa( nl:n-1, : ) -= Ur * b( sl:sl+sr-1, : )
end if ( DO_INVERSE )
end if ( do_ulv_factorization )
Pa | n-by-s |
Palr | s-by-(sl+sr) |
Pl | nl-by-sl |
Pr | nr-by-sr |
inline |
end ULVForward()
Copy Bp (subview of parent's B) to Bc.
Bf -= Ufc * Bc, where Ufc is Ztr.
Lff^{-1} * P * Bf, where Lff is the lower-triangular part of Ztl.
Create a temporary buffer for projection Q2 * Bf + Q1 * Bc.
Copy A back to B.
inline |
For internal nodes, B has been initialized by children.
B = Q' * B
P * Bf
Lff^{-1} * P * Bf, where Lff is the lower-triangular part of Ztl.
Bc -= Lcf * Bf, where Lcf is Zbl.
Copy Bc to Bp (subview of parent's B).
Data<T> hmlp::gofmm::Factor< T >::B |
Temporary buffer for the solve.
View<T> hmlp::gofmm::Factor< T >::bview |
A correspinding view of the right hand side of this node.
Data<T> hmlp::gofmm::Factor< T >::Crl |
sr-by-sl and sl-by-sr, skeleton row and column basis.
vector<int> hmlp::gofmm::Factor< T >::ipiv |
Partial pivoting order (used in GETRF).
bool hmlp::gofmm::Factor< T >::isleaf = false |
end ULVBackward()
Data<T> hmlp::gofmm::Factor< T >::Q |
Q, (sl+sr)-by-s (ULV)
vector<T> hmlp::gofmm::Factor< T >::tau |
tau, sl+sr (used in xgeqrf( U ) of ULV)
Data<T> hmlp::gofmm::Factor< T >::U |
n-by-s (SMW) or (sl+sr)-by-s (ULV)
Data<T>* hmlp::gofmm::Factor< T >::Ul = NULL |
Pointers to children's factors
Data<T> hmlp::gofmm::Factor< T >::Z |
Reduced system Z = [ I VU if ( HODLR || p-HSS ) VU I ]