HMLP: High-performance Machine Learning Primitives
hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA > Class Template Reference

This distributed tree inherits the shared memory tree with some additional MPI data structure and function call. More...

#include <tree_mpi.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >:
hmlp::tree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA > hmlp::mpi::MPIObject

Public Types

typedef SETUP::T T
typedef tree::Node< SETUP, NODEDATA > NODE
- Public Types inherited from hmlp::tree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >
typedef SETUP::T T
typedef Node< SETUP, NODEDATA > NODE

Public Member Functions

 Tree (mpi::Comm comm)
 ~Tree ()
void CleanUp ()
 free all tree nodes including local tree nodes, distributed tree nodes and let nodes More...
void AllocateNodes (vector< size_t > &gids)
vector< size_t > GetPermutation ()
template<typename KNNTASK >
DistData< STAR, CBLK, pair< T, size_t > > AllNearestNeighbor (size_t n_tree, size_t n, size_t k, pair< T, size_t > initNN, KNNTASK &dummy)
void TreePartition ()
 partition n points using a distributed binary tree. More...
void RecursiveMorton (MPINODE *node, MortonHelper::Recursor r)
Data< int > CheckAllInteractions ()
int Morton2Rank (size_t it)
int Index2Rank (size_t gid)
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void LocaTraverseUp (TASK &dummy, Args &...args)
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void DistTraverseUp (TASK &dummy, Args &...args)
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void LocaTraverseDown (TASK &dummy, Args &...args)
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void DistTraverseDown (TASK &dummy, Args &...args)
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void LocaTraverseLeafs (TASK &dummy, Args &...args)
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void LocaTraverseUnOrdered (TASK &dummy, Args &...args)
 For unordered traversal, we just call local downward traversal. More...
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void DistTraverseUnOrdered (TASK &dummy, Args &...args)
 For unordered traversal, we just call distributed downward traversal. More...
void DependencyCleanUp ()
void ExecuteAllTasks ()
void DependOnNearInteractions (int p, Task *task)
void DependOnFarInteractions (int p, Task *task)
- Public Member Functions inherited from hmlp::tree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >
 Tree ()
 ~Tree ()
void Offset (NODE *node, size_t offset)
void RecursiveMorton (NODE *node, MortonHelper::Recursor r)
void AllocateNodes (NODE *root)
 Allocate the local tree using the local root with n points and depth l. More...
void TreePartition ()
 Shared-memory tree partition. More...
vector< size_t > GetPermutation ()
template<typename KNNTASK >
Data< pair< T, size_t > > AllNearestNeighbor (size_t n_tree, size_t k, size_t max_depth, pair< T, size_t > initNN, KNNTASK &dummy)
Data< int > CheckAllInteractions ()
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void TraverseLeafs (TASK &dummy, Args &...args)
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void TraverseUp (TASK &dummy, Args &...args)
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void TraverseDown (TASK &dummy, Args &...args)
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void TraverseUnOrdered (TASK &dummy, Args &...args)
 For unordered traversal, we just call local downward traversal. More...
void DependencyCleanUp ()
void ExecuteAllTasks ()
bool DoOutOfOrder ()
template<typename SUMMARY >
void Summary (SUMMARY &summary)
 Summarize all events in each level.
- Public Member Functions inherited from hmlp::mpi::MPIObject
 MPIObject (mpi::Comm comm)
void AssignCommunicator (mpi::Comm &comm)
mpi::Comm GetComm ()
mpi::Comm GetPrivateComm ()
int GetCommSize ()
int GetCommRank ()
int Comm_size ()
int Comm_rank ()
int Barrier ()
int PrivateBarrier ()

Public Attributes

vector< MPINODE * > mpitreelists
vector< vector< size_t > > NearSentToRank
vector< map< size_t, int > > NearRecvFromRank
vector< vector< size_t > > FarSentToRank
vector< map< size_t, int > > FarRecvFromRank
vector< ReadWriteNearRecvFrom
vector< ReadWriteFarRecvFrom
- Public Attributes inherited from hmlp::tree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >
SETUP setup
size_t n = 0
size_t m = 0
size_t depth = 0
Lock lock
vector< NODE * > treelist
unordered_map< size_t, NODE * > morton2node

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from hmlp::tree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >
static const int N_CHILDREN = 2
- Protected Attributes inherited from hmlp::tree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >
vector< size_t > global_indices

Detailed Description

template<class SETUP, class NODEDATA>
class hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >

This distributed tree inherits the shared memory tree with some additional MPI data structure and function call.

end class Node

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
typedef Node<SETUP, NODEDATA> hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::MPINODE

Define distributed tree node type as MPINODE.

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
typedef tree::Node<SETUP, NODEDATA> hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::NODE

Inherit parameters n, m, and depth; local treelists and morton2node map.

Explanation for the morton2node map in the distributed tree:

morton2node has type map<size_t, tree::Node>, but it actually contains "three" different kinds of tree nodes.

  1. Local tree nodes (exactly in type tree::Node)
  2. Distributed tree nodes (in type mpitree::Node)
  3. Local essential nodes (in type tree::Node with essential data) Define local tree node type as NODE. Notice that all pointers in the interaction lists and morton2node map will be in this type.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::Tree ( mpi::Comm  comm)

(Default) Tree constructor

Get size and rank

Create a ReadWrite object per rank

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::~Tree ( )

(Default) Tree destructor.

we do not free the last tree node, it will be deleted by hmlp::tree::Tree()::~Tree()

Member Function Documentation

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
template<typename KNNTASK >
DistData<STAR, CBLK, pair<T, size_t> > hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::AllNearestNeighbor ( size_t  n_tree,
size_t  n,
size_t  k,
pair< T, size_t >  initNN,
KNNTASK &  dummy 

end GetTreePermutation() Perform approximate kappa neighbor search.

Get the problem size from setup->K->row().

k-by-N, column major.

Use leaf size = 4 * k.

Local problem size (assuming Round-Robin)

Edge case

Local problem size (assuming Round-Robin)

Edge case

Initial gids distribution (asssuming Round-Robin)

Allocate distributed tree nodes in advance.

Metric tree partitioning.

Query neighbors computed in CIDS distribution.

Pass in neighbor pointer.

Queries computed in CBLK distribution

Redistribute from CIDS to CBLK

Merge Q_cblk into NN (sort and remove duplication)

Metric tree partitioning.

Query neighbors computed in CIDS distribution.

Pass in neighbor pointer.


Redistribute from CIDS to CBLK

Queries computed in CBLK distribution

Redistribute from CIDS to CBLK

Merge Q_cblk into NN (sort and remove duplication)

Check for illegle values.

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::AllocateNodes ( vector< size_t > &  gids)

end CleanUp() Allocate all distributed tree nodse.

Decide the depth of the distributed tree according to mpi size.

Allocate root( setup, n = 0, l = 0, parent = NULL ).

Push root to the mpi treelist.

Recursively spliiting the communicator.

Increase level.

Left color = 0, right color = 1.

Split and assign the subcommunicators for children.

Update mycomm, mysize, and myrank to proceed to the next iteration.

Create the child node.

Create the sibling in type NODE but not MPINODE.

Setup parent's children

Push to the mpi treelist

Global synchronization.

Allocate local tree nodes.

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
Data<int> hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::CheckAllInteractions ( )

end RecursiveMorton()

Get the total depth of the tree.

Number of total leaf nodes.

Create a 2^l-by-2^l table to check all interactions.

Now traverse all tree nodes (excluding the root).

Loop over all near interactions.

Loop over all far interactions.

Loop over all near interactions.

Loop over all far interactions.


template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::CleanUp ( )

free all tree nodes including local tree nodes, distributed tree nodes and let nodes

Free all local tree nodes

Free all distributed tree nodes

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::DependencyCleanUp ( )

end DistTraverseUnOrdered()

TODO also clean up the LET node

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::DependOnFarInteractions ( int  p,
Task task 

end DependOnNearInteractions()

Describe the dependencies of rank p.

Try to enqueue if there is no dependency.

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::DependOnNearInteractions ( int  p,
Task task 

end ExecuteAllTasks()

Describe the dependencies of rank p.

Try to enqueue if there is no dependency.

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::DistTraverseDown ( TASK &  dummy,
Args &...  args 

end LocaTraverseDown()

move to its child IMPORTANT: here we need to cast the pointer back to mpitree::Node*

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::DistTraverseUnOrdered ( TASK &  dummy,
Args &...  args 

For unordered traversal, we just call distributed downward traversal.

end LocaTraverseUnOrdered()

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::DistTraverseUp ( TASK &  dummy,
Args &...  args 

end LocaTraverseUp()

move to its parent

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::ExecuteAllTasks ( )
template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
vector<size_t> hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::GetPermutation ( )

end AllocateNodes()

Sanity check using an 0:N-1 table.

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
int hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::Index2Rank ( size_t  gid)
template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::LocaTraverseDown ( TASK &  dummy,
Args &...  args 

end DistTraverseUp()

contain at lesat one tree node

traverse the local tree without the root

IMPORTANT: local root alias of the distributed leaf node IMPORTANT: here l must be int, size_t will wrap over

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::LocaTraverseLeafs ( TASK &  dummy,
Args &...  args 

end DistTraverseDown()

contain at lesat one tree node

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::LocaTraverseUnOrdered ( TASK &  dummy,
Args &...  args 

For unordered traversal, we just call local downward traversal.

end LocaTraverseLeaf()

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
template<typename TASK , typename... Args>
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::LocaTraverseUp ( TASK &  dummy,
Args &...  args 

end Morton2Rank()

contain at lesat one tree node

traverse the local tree without the root

IMPORTANT: local root alias of the distributed leaf node IMPORTANT: here l must be int, size_t will wrap over

loop over each node at level-l

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
int hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::Morton2Rank ( size_t  it)
template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::RecursiveMorton ( MPINODE node,
MortonHelper::Recursor  r 

end TreePartition() Assign MortonID to each node recursively.

MPI Support.

Set the node MortonID.

Set my sibling's MortonID.

Compute MortonID recursively for the local tree.

Prepare to exchange all <gid,MortonID> pairs.

Gather pairs I own.

Exchange send_pairs.size().

Compute displacement for Allgatherv.

Sanity check for the total size.

Exchange all pairs.

Fill in all MortonIDs.

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
void hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::TreePartition ( )

partition n points using a distributed binary tree.

end AllNearestNeighbor()

Set up total problem size n and leaf node size m.

Initial gids distribution (asssuming Round-Robin).

Local problem size (assuming Round-Robin).

Allocate distributed tree nodes in advance.

Allocate space for point MortonID.

Compute Morton ID for both distributed and local trees.

Clean up the map.

Construct morton2node map for the local tree.

Construc morton2node map for the distributed tree.

Member Data Documentation

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
vector<MPINODE*> hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::mpitreelists

Distribued tree nodes in the top-down order. Notice thay mpitreelist.back() is the root of the local tree.

i.e. mpitrelist.back() == treelist.front();

template<class SETUP , class NODEDATA >
vector<vector<size_t> > hmlp::mpitree::Tree< SETUP, NODEDATA >::NearSentToRank

end DependOnFarInteractions() Interaction lists per rank

NearSentToRank[ p ] contains all near node MortonIDs sent to rank p. NearRecvFromRank[ p ] contains all near node MortonIDs recv from rank p. NearRecvFromRank[ p ][ morton ] = offset in the received vector.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: