HMLP: High-performance Machine Learning Primitives
pvfmm::Laplace3D< ValueType > Struct Template Reference

Static Public Member Functions

static const KernelFunction< ValueType, DIM > & single_layer ()
static const KernelFunction< ValueType, DIM > & double_layer ()
static const KernelFunction< ValueType, DIM > & single_layer_gradient ()
static const KernelFunction< ValueType, DIM > & double_layer_gradient ()

Static Public Attributes

static const Integer DIM = 3

Static Protected Member Functions

template<class Vec = ValueType, Vec(*)(Vec) RSQRT_INTRIN = rsqrt_intrin0<Vec>>
static void sl_poten_uKernel (const Matrix< ValueType > &src_coord, const Matrix< ValueType > &src_norml, const Matrix< ValueType > &src_value, const Matrix< ValueType > &trg_coord, Matrix< ValueType > &trg_value)


class KernelFnWrapper

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