HMLP: High-performance Machine Learning Primitives
semiring_mrxnr< MR, NR, OP1, OP2, TA, TB, TC, TV > Struct Template Reference

Public Member Functions

void operator() (int k, TA *a, TB *b, int len, TV **v_list, int ldv, TV *alpha_list, aux_s< TA, TB, TC, TV > *aux) const
void operator() (dim_t k, TA *a, TB *b, TV *v, int rs_c, int cs_c, aux_s< TA, TB, TC, TV > *aux) const

Public Attributes

OP1 op1
OP2 op2
TV initV

Static Public Attributes

static const size_t mr = MR
static const size_t nr = NR
static const size_t pack_mr = MR
static const size_t pack_nr = NR
static const size_t align_size = 32

Member Function Documentation

template<int MR, int NR, typename OP1, typename OP2, typename TA, typename TB, typename TC, typename TV>
void semiring_mrxnr< MR, NR, OP1, OP2, TA, TB, TC, TV >::operator() ( int  k,
TA *  a,
TB *  b,
int  len,
TV **  v_list,
int  ldv,
TV *  alpha_list,
aux_s< TA, TB, TC, TV > *  aux 
) const

Strassen interface: ignore op1, op2 and initV

template<int MR, int NR, typename OP1, typename OP2, typename TA, typename TB, typename TC, typename TV>
void semiring_mrxnr< MR, NR, OP1, OP2, TA, TB, TC, TV >::operator() ( dim_t  k,
TA *  a,
TB *  b,
TV *  v,
int  rs_c,
int  cs_c,
aux_s< TA, TB, TC, TV > *  aux 
) const

Non-Strassen interface

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